Our Team

BioRegio STERN Management GmbH promotes economic development in the life sciences industry. Since 2001, the team managed by Dr. Klaus Eichenberg has provided support to numerous companies on their road to success.

The team at BioRegio STERN Management GmbH

Dr. Klaus Eichenberg

Managing Director
+49-711 870 354 0
Managing Director
Dr. Klaus Eichenberg

"After my studies in biology with a focus on molecular and cellular biology at the University of Freiburg followed by a doctorate in physiology, I trained myself to become an investment analysts. In addition to research activities at the Technion in Israel, I publish some scientific articles for example in "Science". As a business consultant I was in the life sciences team at Ernst & Young/ Capgemini, before I took care of biotechnology and pharmaceutical values as a financial analyst at the Hypo-Vereinsbank. After some time as a freelance consultant for the Steinbeis network, I switched to BioRegio STERN in February 2004. As managing director of BioRegio STERN Management GmbH I represent the scientific and economic interests of the BioRegion. I commit myself to the sustainable growth of the biotech-location STERN and the positioning in top international ranks. In addition, for six years I was spokesman for the BioRegions of Germany."

Martina Keller

Personnel and Finance
+49-157 839 240 46
Personnel and Finance
Martina Keller

"After my training as a hotel specialist, I was able to accumulate several years of experience in the superior hotel industry in the field of personnel and organization nationally and abroad. Afterwards, I worked for an IT company for 17 years as an assistant to finance and personnel management. Since January 2017, I have been with BioRegio STERN Management GmbH, where I am also responsible for personnel and finance. I am working with my colleagues in the field of project management to carry out the billing of various projects, also in the European environment. I also work with the management of BioRegio STERN Management GmbH in all personnel and finance issues."

François Saorine

Team Assistance
+49-711 870 354 0
Team Assistance
François Saorine

After studying jazz at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Stuttgart, I worked for several years as a freelance musician and event manager. During this time I founded several companies, festivals and music events, which I still manage today. I have been working as a team assistant at BioRegio STERN Management GmbH since May 2022. Here I support the team in organizational matters of all kinds and am available as an internal and external contact person to ensure that work at and with BioRegio STERN Management GmbH runs as smoothly as possible.

Rahel Bleis, M.Sc.

Technology Transfer Management
+49-159 044 252 71
Technology Transfer Management
Rahel Bleis, M.Sc.

"I completed my Bachelor's degree in Molecular Biology at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. In my Bachelor's thesis, I dealt with topics from molecular developmental genetics. For my subsequent Master of Science in Technical Biology, I moved to the University of Stuttgart. Parallel to my Master's degree, I gained my first professional experience at the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA), where I worked on the development of equipment for a new cell isolation method. After my master's thesis in this working group, I joined BioRegio STERN as a technology transfer manager in December 2023. Here I support the transfer of ideas and help as a contact person for questions in the field of life sciences. I would also like to improve networking between companies from different areas and supervise the Science2Start ideas competition."

Sophia Wolf, M.Sc.

Projekt Management, Technology Transfer Management
+49-157 839 291 47
Projekt Management, Technology Transfer Management
Sophia Wolf, M.Sc.

After completing my Bachelor's degree in Media and Information Management, I decided to continue my studies in the life sciences. I completed my Bachelor's degree in Nutritional Sciences at the University of Hohenheim and wrote my Bachelor's thesis at Charité Berlin in the endocrinology outpatient clinic. At the same time, I gained practical experience as a working student at the Robert Bosch Stiftung in the field of health. I completed my academic career with a Master of Science in Nutritional Medicine. I was able to gain experience in medical management as a working student at Wörwag Pharma. I completed my project and final thesis at the University Hospital of Tübingen, where I worked on both a clinical and a scientific project. Since September 2024, I have been working at BioRegio STERN as a project and technology transfer manager. Here I support a regional sustainability program in the healthcare sector and initiate technology transfer between companies and science.

Dr. Margot Jehle

Project Management
+49-173 180 892 4
Project Management
Dr. Margot Jehle

"I studied classical chemistry, completed additional internships at the Institute of Biochemistry in Würzburg and was thus able to complete my diploma and PhD thesis in this field of chemistry. Based on my experiences that I could gather as a researcher at immatics biotechnologies GmbH in Germany and abroad, I can easily identify suitable partners from companies or institutions in an international context in order to initiate potential collaborations. Since 2011, I have been involved in various EU projects at BioRegio STERN Management GmbH and am now responsible as a project manager for the Interreg NWE project Boost4Health, launched in April 2016, to support and promote the economic development of regional and transnational SMEs. Through my numerous contacts with other European networks, I am also the initiator and contact for further diverse cooperation in neighboring European countries."

Lennart Biermann, M. Sc.

+49-173 857 576 4
Lennart Biermann, M. Sc.

Nach meinem Bachelorstudium in Lebensmittelwissenschaften und Biotechnologie sowie meinem internationalen Masterstudium in Food Biotechnology, promovierte ich am hochmodernen Fachgebiet für Bioverfahrenstechnik der Universität Hohenheim. Im Rahmen meiner Promotion forschte ich intensiv an der Produktion tierähnlicher Proteine (animal-like proteins), wie u.a. Casein, mithilfe von diversen Mikroorganismen und sammelte umfassende Erfahrungen in der Molekularbiologie, Mikrobiologie und der Biotechnologie. Hier konnte ich in verschiedenen nationalen und internationalen Projekten wertvolle Kenntnisse in der Biotech- & Life-Science-Branche sammeln. Während meiner Praktika bei der Bitburger Braugruppe in Bitburg und der ehemaligen LSG Sky Chefs GmbH in München konnte ich meine organisatorischen Fähigkeiten in einem dynamischen Umfeld unter Beweis stellen und meine Leidenschaft für kreative Lösungen und neue Herausforderungen weiterentwickeln. Seit 2025 arbeite ich als internationaler Projektmanager bei der BioRegio STERN Management GmbH und wirke an verschiedenen EU-Projekten mit.

Olivia Magosch, M. Sc.

+49-173 857 577 1
Olivia Magosch, M. Sc.

Mein Bachelor- und Masterstudium mit dem Schwerpunkt Biotechnologie habe ich an der Universität Hohenheim abgeschlossen. Am Institut der Bioverfahrenstechnik habe ich mich in meinen Abschlussarbeiten mit der mikrobiellen Biotensidproduktion befasst. Dabei untersuchte ich die Herstellung des Biotensids in Schüttelkolben mit Lignocellulose, einer nachhaltigen Kohlenstoffquelle, sowie Möglichkeiten der molekularen Prozesssteuerung im Reaktor im 20L-Maßstab. Anschließend habe ich drei Jahre als Prozessingenieurin in der Prozessentwicklung im Bereich Plasmidherstellung bei CureVac in Tübingen gearbeitet. Dort wirkte ich aktiv an der Entwicklung des Prozesses zur Herstellung mikrobieller Zellbanken sowie der Klonselektion eines Produktionsklons mit. Seit Februar 2025 bin ich als Projektmanagerin bei der BioRegio STERN Management GmbH tätig und unterstütze das Team bei der Umsetzung von EU-Förderprojekten. Besonders freue ich mich darauf , innovative und zukunftsweisende Technologien zu begleiten und ihre Entwicklung mitzugestalten, insbesondere im internationalen Kontext. 

Dr. Klara Altintoprak

Project Management
+49-172 591 129 9
Project Management
Dr. Klara Altintoprak

“Throughout my time as a doctoral student and post-doctoral researcher, it was always the interface between basic and applied research in the field of conventional biotechnology and molecular biology that fascinated me most. For instance, my doctoral work dealt with plant viruses that were integrated into hybrid materials as innovative self-assembling nanodevices. For the project planning and implementation of this, I worked in an interdisciplinary team of chemists and physicists. My post-doctorate work also focussed on cooperation with various regional and international partners. In addition, I continued training in the GMP-regulated environment, which means I have an excellent grasp of the standard guidelines and tools involved in quality and project management. I started working at BioRegio STERN Management GmbH as a project manager in October 2018, where I assist the team in implementing EU development projects. What I find particularly interesting in this context is the EU-wide networking of SMEs from the life sciences sector and the development of new technologies.”

Leyla Djanklich, M. Sc.

Project Management
+49-173 285 601 2
Project Management
Leyla Djanklich, M. Sc.

After completing my Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Sciences and my Master's degree in Interdisciplinary Product Development at Reutlingen University, I dedicated myself intensively to the research and development of innovative materials. My focus was on the development of antibacterial surfaces and the integration of smart technologies in textile applications. In my career to date, I have been involved in interdisciplinary projects and have been able to successfully contribute my expertise in experiment planning, physicochemical analyses and the presentation of research results. To further expand my knowledge in the areas of ‘Good Clinical Practice’ (GCP), ‘Good Manufacturing Practice’ (GCP) and ‘Quality Management in the Medical Device Industry’, I completed further training as a Life Science Manager. This qualification gave me a broad range of skills, including strategic planning, innovation management and regulatory requirements in the life science industry. At BioRegio STERN, I will support the development and implementation of the AIM platform and participate in ZIM networks.

Alexander Kempf, M.Sc.

+49-173 857 575 3
Alexander Kempf, M.Sc.

„Nach meinem Studium der Medizintechnik in Stuttgart und Tübingen sowie dem Master in Biomedical Technologies an der Universität Tübingen sammelte ich Erfahrungen in translationaler Forschung, experimenteller Onkologie und mikrofluidischer Medizintechnik. Während der COVID-19-Pandemie war ich in einem groß angelegten Diagnostikprojekt tätig, das PCR-Tests für den gesamten Südwesten Deutschlands durchführte. Zudem arbeitete ich in der klinischen Diagnostik und in verschiedenen Life-Sciences-Unternehmen.
Seit 2025 verstärke ich als Projektmanager die BioRegio STERN Management GmbH. Mein Fokus liegt auf der Vernetzung von Medizintechnikunternehmen mit klinischen Anwendern, wobei die enge Verzahnung von Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft für mich zentrale Antriebe sind. In diesem interdisziplinären Umfeld arbeiten Ingenieure, Biologen, Physiker und Mediziner zusammen, um gemeinsam Lösungen zu entwickeln, die individuell nicht entstehen würden.“

Lara Tank

Marketing Management
+49-159 044 252 72
Marketing Management
Lara Tank

“I completed my degree in Marketing and Media Management with a specialization in product and customer management at Heilbronn University. During my studies, I gained professional experience in the field of e-commerce, working specifically in digital marketing, content management and campaign planning. I also carried out my own practical projects in the area of trade fairs and events in connection with my bachelor's thesis. I have been responsible for marketing at BioRegio STERN since November 2022. In addition to managing the content on our digital channels, I am responsible for conceptual marketing planning and support the organization and implementation of our events.”

Anja Pätzold, M.A.

PR support
PR support
Anja Pätzold, M.A.

"After my studies in German philology and policy at the Universities of Konstanz and Stuttgart, I started to work as a research assistant at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO in Stuttgart. My interest in the communications industry took me two years later to the advertising and PR agency Publix in Stuttgart. In 1994, I joined the newly founded agency Zeeb Kommunikation Public Relations and Advertising GmbH, where I still work today as Deputy Managing Director. Since April 2004 and with ever-growing enthusiasm for the life sciences I support the publicity of BioRegio STERN Management GmbH contributing ideas, concepts and texts."

The BioRegio STERN team at the summer reception

Group photo of the BioRegio STERN team

The BioRegio STERN Management GmbH team

Copyright: KD Busch/ BioRegio STERN Management GmbH