07/07/2020 | BioRegio STERN Management GmbH | Press

The new ideas keep on coming

BioGrafie: Dr. Steffen Hüttner from the BioRegion STERN

(Stuttgart/Tübingen) - Dr. Steffen Hüttner is a long-distance runner and company founder in Tübingen, Germany. Even in times of a pandemic, the CEO of HB Technologies AG, INTAVIS Bioanalytical Instruments AG, INTAVIS Peptide Services GmbH & Co. KG and SensoRun GmbH & Co. KG has not been put off his stride. His innovations with HB Technologies include a social distancing app for queue management in surgeries, hospitals and shops. Hüttner also designs concepts for fully automated PCR testing of blood samples for customers. His solutions to make the manufacture of peptides more efficient are vitally important both for developing vaccines and for antibody tests.

[DE Copy] A man in a suit stands on a building and holds up the BioRegioSTERN logo.

Dr. Steffen Hüttner, CEO of HB Technologies AG: successful founder in the BioRegion STERN

Copyright: Andreas Körner/BioRegio STERN Management GmbH
BioRegio STERN Management GmbH