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25.02.2020 | BioRegio STERN Management GmbH | News

Innovation for Health – Codex4SMEs break-out session

A healthy future with good and affordable healthcare demands smart solutions. But those types of solutions don´t just appear out of thin air. To realise this, you need people with ground breaking ideas, energy, perseverance and a relentless belief in the added value represented by collaborations. You could find these kind of people at the Innovation for health congress in Rotterdam.

Further information

For further information, visit the Interreg website of Codex4SMEs

or our project website: https://www.bioregio-stern.de/en/projects/codex4smes


Dr. Margot Jehle
BioRegio STERN Management GmbH
Leadpartner of the Codex4SMEs project
Tel.: 0049 711 870354-29


BioRegio STERN Management GmbH