ZSE Tübingen - Behandlungs- und Forschungszentrum für Seltene Erkrankungen

ZSE Tübingen - Behandlungs- und Forschungszentrum für Seltene Erkrankungen

Nationwide first treatment and research center for rare diseases, with special ambulances of interdisciplinary coordinated treatment and diagnostic possibilities of a university High Performance Centre

Rare diseases are often. Approximately 3 million patients in Germany suffer from a rare disease. A disease is considered rare if fewer than 5 of 10,000 people suffer from it. Diagnosis, treatment, therapy and research require the close cooperation of specialists of many disciplines.

The Rehabilitation and Research Center for Rare Diseases Tübingen (ZSE Tübingen) has set itself the task to deal with (i) patients with rare diseases adequately, (ii) to investigate rare diseases locally in national and international networks, and (iii) to promote multi-professional cooperation. Since January 2010 it started operating as the first German Centre for Rare Diseases.

We offer advice to our medical colleagues. We encourage interested patients to first contact their doctor on site in order to determine whether an appointment makes sense.

The ZSE includes the following specialized centers:

Centre for Rare neurological and developmental disorders (ZSNE) Comprehensive Cystic Fybrosis Center Tübingen-Stuttgart (CCFC) Centre for Rare Eye diseases (ZSA) Centre for Rare skin diseases (ZSH) Centre for rare congenital infectious diseases (ZSKI) Centre for Rare genital malformations of the woman (zFGF) Centre for child malformations in maxillofacial region (ZKFKG) Centre for neurofibromatosis (ZNF) Autoinflammation Reference Center (ARCT)

Centres under construction:

Centre for rare tumors Centre for rare liver disease Centre for Chronic intestinal failure and intestinal rehabilitation
Category Institutes
Working areas Medicine, Therapy, Diagnostics
Year of foundation