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Occupational School Center Albstadt
Biotechnology grammar school

The Walther Groz School is a occupational school center in Albstadt (Zollernalb district, federal state of Baden-Württemberg, Federal Republic of Germany). In the current school year, around 1,300 pupils are being taught by around 120 teachers. Motivated young people can achieve a variety of qualifications in 21 types of school. These reach from the Hauptschulreife (e. g. in the AV-dual), through the middle educational qualification (e. g. in the vocational school) to the state-certified business economist (e.g. in the technical school). The numerically largest types of school are the occupational grammar school, the commercial occupational school and the occupational college. The school types have different job-related profiles. Depending on your interests, you can choose between economic, scientific, domestic or social profiles.

The school is spread over two connected buildings. The school's equipment enables modern teaching in every respect. The IT infrastructure is up-to-date and ranges from a fast internet connection and a high-performance educational network with comprehensive WLAN to learning and information platforms for learners and teachers. The school is run by the Zollernalb district.

The school is headed by Hans-Jörg Fink. Permanent representative is Stefan Maier. The school is organized into four departments headed by Bernd Butz (Department I), Isolde Wutzke (Department II), Uwe Rütschle (Department III) and Jürgen Hörr (Department IV).

In the profile subject biotechnology, issues of microbiology, genetics, biochemistry, reproductive biology and bioprocess technology are dealt with. Bioinformatics deals with data processing in modern biotechnology. In addition, in the profile-supplementing subject of economics, a broad general economic education is imparted and industry-specific issues are addressed.

The content conveyed here makes it much easier to study in the field of natural sciences and medicine.

In profile-accompanying electives, you expand your knowledge and skills with topics that interest you and that will affect you in your private and professional life after school.

Category Services
Working areas Education/ school, Biotechnology
Year of foundation