10/22/2024 | Stuttgart | 08.30 am - 6.30 pm

2nd Biointelligence Congress in Stuttgart

Location: Stuttgart City Hall Marktplatz 1 Stuttgart

Are you ready to revolutionize the future of production and prosperity sustainably? Look no further than the 2nd Biointelligence Congress in Stuttgart! Join us for a day of groundbreaking insights and cross-industry expertise as we delve into the Biological Transformation of Industry.
We're delighted to announce our lineup of keynote speakers, each a trailblazer in their respective fields. Don't miss the chance to hear from:



Thomas Bauernhansl: Director of the Institute of Industrial Manufacturing and Management (IFF) at the University of Stuttgart and Head of the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA is unveiling the results of the InBenBio investigation, showcasing the benefits of biointelligent production systems for mechanical engineering.



Zachi Schnarch: Vice CEO of the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA), Head of its technological division and leading the national Bio-Convergence program, discusses Leading the Bio-Convergence Revolution for Global Impact.



Philipp Heuermann: Associate Director and Co-Lead, Europe at Gingko Bioworks is revealing their innovation on how to make biology easier for engineers, by a groundbreaking platform.



We are delighted to welcome Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, Minister for Economic Affairs, Labor and Tourism of the State of Baden-Württemberg, as she shares insights into promoting biointelligence from a government perspective.


Our core themes will be guided by these experts:



Biointelligent Innovations improving Human Health: Led by Prof. Giese from the University of Tübingen. Explore how biointelligent technologies enable novel approaches for personalized therapy, the production of therapeutic agents, and for diagnosis and support systems by establishing interaction between humans and biointelligent technical systems.



Biointelligent Nutrition Research: Under the guidance of Prof. Lieder from the University of Hohenheim. Which biointelligent tools are needed in nutritional research to answer questions about a health-promoting, sustainable and at the same time tasty diet? In this session we will examine new technologies and needs in nutrition research that enable future-oriented nutrition research.



Biointelligent Production Systems: The session chaired by Prof. Takors from the University of Stuttgart focuses on biointelligent production systems. They use renewable raw materials that are converted into the desired products in biotechnological processes with intelligent production technology. Mathematical models are used, the accuracy of which has been optimized using AI.



Biointelligent Living and Design: Led by Prof. Ostermann from the University of Stuttgart, the focus of the session lies in exploring how biological principles and materials can revolutionize living spaces and product design. The session will be a quest to create more climate-compatible living in tune with the environment.


Organizer: FPF e.V.
In Cooperation with: Competence Center Biointelligence, Universität Stuttgart, Fraunhofer IPA, Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, Wittenstein Stiftung, Universität Hohenheim

To overcome the weaknesses of current production systems, truly new approaches are necessary. Biointelligence offers many opportunities - for small, medium, and large enterprises. Stay tuned for further details and be a part of the forefront of innovation at the intersection of bio-, hard-, and software.

Further information

Register Now

Costs: 150,00 €

Stuttgart City Hall
Marktplatz 1
Stuttgart, Germany

Language: Englisch

Dr.-Ing. Robert Miehe
Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA
Nobelstr. 12
70569 Stuttgart
Telefon +49 711 970-1424
E-Mail senden

Dr. Nadine Silber
Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA
Nobelstr. 12
70569 Stuttgart
Telefon +49 711 970-1693
E-Mail senden

Arber Shoshi
Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA
Nobelstr. 12
70569 Stuttgart
Telefon +49 711 970-1695
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